The Book of Enoch is an old textbook. It is not included in the Bible. Most people like it so much, but it could be harmful and destroy our faith. This book says things that are not in the Bible. It can cause confusion and guide us in the wrong way. We must be aware of these things to protect our faith.
In this article, we will discuss the Book of Enoch’s history, why we should avoid it, and how it can affect and hurt our faith. We should know the truth to stay strong and faithful to God’s word. For more insights and detailed discussion on this topic, visit this link to learn why the Book of Enoch can be a danger to our faith!
Who is Enoch?

Enoch was a righteous man in the Bible. He was born to Jared, who is Adam’s descendant. He lived 365 years. Enoch had a son, Methuselah. It was mentioned in Genesis 5:18-24, his genealogy and life, Hebrews 11:5, his faith and translation to heaven, and Jude 1:14-15, his prophecy about God’s judgment.
He was the seventh generation of Adam and the grandfather of Noah. Enoch always lived a simple life with faith and always tried to please God. Just like others, Enoch did not die a natural death; he was taken by God and disappeared from the earth. This event has a special place in the history of the Bible.
What is the book of Enoch?

The Book of Enoch is an ancient book written about 2,000 years ago. After Enoch, the Bible named him a righteous man. This book is not part of the Bible, but some Christians and Jews consider it essential. It is about angels and demons, the fall of angels and their devil deeds, the end of the world, and the judgment of God. This book helped us understand what people believed a long time ago.
Why is Enoch’s book removed from the Bible?

The book of Enoch was removed from the Bible due to many reasons. Here we will discuss some of them:
- The primary reason Enoch’s book is removed from the Bible is that it was not written by Enoch but by someone else. This book is not in its original form or security.
- This book is not considered authentic. Most Christians have regarded it as a reliable guide to faith.
- It opposes the Bible because some parts do not match the parts of the Bible.
- It was mentioned in some places that this book contains wrong concepts, like angels sleeping with human women and giving birth to giants.
Some removed parts include:
- Book of the Watchers
- The Book of Parables (God’s judgment)
- The Book of Heavenly Luminaries (the sun, moon, and stars)
- The Book of Dream Visions (Enoch’s dreams)
The above parts were removed to keep the Bible authentic, accurate, and trustworthy.
Is it a wickedness to read the book of Enoch?

No, it is not a sin to read the Book of Enoch. This book can help you understand ancient beliefs and history, learn about Jewish traditions, and gain all kinds of historical knowledge. But always remember that it is not part of the Bible. It is not the word of God. Always trust the Bible over this book.
Read the Book of Enoch with caution and always prioritize the Bible.
Division of Book of Enoch
The book is divided into five major parts. Each part has its own unique theme. Each part is described below briefly:
The Book of the Watchers
- The chapter from 1-5 introduces the fallen angels led by Azazel who always corrupt humanity.
- Chapters 6-11 elaborate on the Nephilim, the concept of angels who slept with human women and gave birth to giants.
- Chapters 12-22 guide you through God’s judgment on the fallen angels.
- Chapters 23-27 describe the realm of heaven and God’s throne.
- Chapters 28-36 tell about the encounter of Enoch with God and the journey to heaven.
Book of Parables
- Chapters 37-44 share the moral tales about the Messiah and God’s judgment.
- Chapters 45-57 describe the final judgment and the wicked punishment.
- Chapters 58-63 give you the concept of the Elect One
- Chapters 64-67 notify the dangers of wealth.
- Chapters 68-71 describe the complete triumph of God and the righteous path.
The Book of Heavenly Luminaries
- Chapters 72-75 explain the movement and regulation of the sun, moon, and stars.
- Chapters 76-77 explore the calendar and the seasons.
- Chapters 78-80 describe the astronomical phenomena and their importance.
- Chapters 81-82 make you aware of the dangers of idol worship and false worship.
Book of Dream Visions
- Chapters 83-85 record Enoch’s dreams and visions, including the world’s history.
- Chapters 86-88 elaborate the whole story of the creation and the history of humanity.
- Chapters 89-90 tell you about God’s final judgment and triumph.
The Epistle of Enoch
- Chapters 91-92 explain that Enoch sent a letter to his son, Methuselah, warning of God’s judgment.
- Chapters 93-94 help you to encourage righteousness and warn of the dangers of wickedness.
- Chapters 95-96 tell about the final judgment.
- Chapters 97-107 offer wisdom and encouragement.
What is the central theme of the book of Enoch?

The Book of Enoch’s central theme is God’s judgment and righteousness. It helps to know about God’s power and sovereignty, the fight between good and evil, and the importance of living a righteous life.
The book of Enoch reminds us that God rewards us for the righteous. It emphasizes that we live according to God’s will and trust that he will never do anything wrong with his man.
The book of Enoch can cause to hurt your faith. Many things are in the book of Enoch but are not mentioned in the Bible. So try to avoid this. If you want to stay safe and secure, focus on Bile and avoid other books like Enoch, as they are not part of it. Research whether its data is authentic before learning anything or reading any book. Build up your faith and keep you safe and secure. Take care of your knowledge and faith!
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